Frogland Magic Guild

Notorious Frog Wizard

The Frogland Magic Guild is passionate group within the Notorious Frogs community based upon the idea of creation, friendship, and adventure.

The Notorious Frogs of Frogland NFT project, metaverse, and game is owned by Good Ribbit Productions LLC. Check out their website here for any questions regarding Terms of Use of any other specific questions.

While the Magic Guild is a group within the Frogland metaverse, it is a completely separate entity from The Notorious Frogs of Frogland and Good Ribbit Productions LLC, and nothing represented here on this website reflects any of the views or opinions of Notorious Frogs and Good Ribbit Productions.

Also, on a less serious note, I would like to give a shout out to Snoop Frog and theaibutcher for the use of their fantastic, tool aiblocks which is free for all Frogland holders. Check them out and show them some support by minting some onchain images through their website!

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